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Shop Insight 30.08.2019

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Lac Blanc Zürich

Created for fine fabrics, textiles and surfaces, Lac Blanc Zurich is the epitome of European life. For customers who have premium fabrics, intact clothing and apartments developed with elegance. Fulfilling the requirements of elegant cleanliness expresses a lifestyle. Lac Blanc premium laundry detergent and fine household cleanser are based on natural and biodegradable ingredients, gentle to skin and the environment. Thanks to the fine perfume level of natural fragrance, our product will leave the fabric and home with an elegant and a lovely scent.

  • Versionen1
  • Bewertungen2
  • Erste Version30.08.2019
  • Neueste Version30.08.2019
  • Gesamtwertung9,1

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  • Lac Blanc Zürich 1